Learn about the exact science behind our products

"We've increased our P.T. sales by approximately 35% over last month. I want my staff to start pushing dotFIT all the way! Thanks."

Charles Kattan
Fitness Manager
Cornerstone Fitness


Thanks to NASM Pro, we offer an extensive network of 100,000 NASM nationally certified trainers and coaches. Our Coaching and Training Network gives you and your trainers access to our vast library of evidence-based articles, studies, research, white papers, videos and best practices.

In addition, your trainers and coaches can become certified through our proven accreditation process, or if preferred, we can represent your club or brand to your customers through our phone coaches, free live webinars and dotFIT’s online “Ask the Experts” feature.



You’ll be able to deliver consistent, world-class training and nutrition advice and generate add-on sales through NASM-certified professionals. This valuable offering dramatically increases customer satisfaction, member retention, referrals to prospective members and sales of supplements and nutritional products branded with your name and logo.